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From Chads of /a/
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Toyomongrels constitute a recurring faction in the Divine Halls of pertinent rumination known as /dbs/. They can be deigned as one of the lowest, scummiest, most disingenuous, and (you)-baiting groups in the threads as a whole, and a case study in psychological denialism, defense mechanisms, and delusion.

One of their most defining attributes, is their superhuman ability to Cope even in the face of the most harsh, hard and irrefutable evidence. Other qualities include: deliberately misconstruing information[1], clinging to semantics[2], making up Paint Headcanon collages[3], using every logical and argumentative fallacy in the book, ignoring evidence[4][5], reposting refuted trash over and over[6], defending the irredeemable, and basically being wrong about everything they spew[7].

Their nomenclature obviously comes from their unwavering infatuation with their tracing idol Toyohacko, and their complete inability to take any sort of criticism towards their tracing God, claiming that the manga and art are PERFECT and couldn't be fixed or improved in any way or shape.

The aforementioned qualities, stemming from a biased agenda and their mental incapacity to face reality, obviously, are not welcome in the radiant basilica of objective preponderances known as /dbs/, hence their presence alone has given rise to a stalwart opposition known as Toeintellectuals. These two factions ensued in an seemingly unending war that started way back in 2015, and has effectively ended recently in an apparent endless stream of evidence that ensued for at least a month, with several statements from the writers of the series claiming that the Broly movie followed the TV series[8][9], among other pieces of compelling evidence.

Although the war as effectively ended in favor of Toeichads, causing an almost complete cessation of Toyoshit activity on the threads, save for a couple of rebel groups scouring the umbral planes that still shitpost every now and then (some estimate their numbers being as low as 2 (two) schizos). When faced with the facts of their swift and unconditional surrender, Toyoshits claim that they rather "n-not waste time" or "j-just ignoring the shitposter" among other coping mechanisms of the sort.[5]


In the beginning, Toyopacos were just another manga-sympathizer group, like any other series has its own manga-sympathizer demographic. In these ancient times, the manga was ahead of the anime, and all was a bliss to Toyopacos, since it was the known status quo that the anime follows the outline established by the manga. Even if both mediums differed in a great deal of factors, they could just attribute it to being Toei filler, and claiming the anime was not canon.

However, one fateful day, everything changed. Despite the Chadnime covering the RoF arc, which the manga had completely skipped, and having it's own Purple Bejita filler arc, the Chadnime came ahead of the manga. Between the chapters 13 (21th June 2016) and 14 (21th July 2016) in DBS manga, where it wraps up U6 arc and starts the Future Trunks arc respectively, The CHADCHIDME came ahead, starting the Future Trunks arc in 12th June 2016.

This gargantuan, unprecedented event in anime history, shifted the very status quo. It cemented the newly realized paradigm that the CHADnime, in fact, was the canon source of the series. And since they both differed in the story, it rendered the manga as non-FUCKING-canon. This, obviously, led to a huge rising in the Canon Anime sympathizer ranks, and was the omen of an upcoming war that would last for years to come.

It is also hypothesized that some of Toyoshits simply exist because their character was treated slightly better in the manga. This extends to Frieza and Gohan, who were rightfully treated a lot worse in the canon anime. The other substantial part of their ranks is constituted with contrarians who HATE JiCHAD with passion. And since most if not all Jirenchads are Toeichads by extension, the little contrarians become Toyoshitos[10].


AA to the motherfucking IEEEEE

In the following years, only chaos and insurgency would ensue. Endless collages were fabricated in siege machines and hurdled, flaming towards their opposition. Only for it to be dismantled and slingshotted back to them. Historians would scour the archival records and interviews in the hopes of finding anything that would favor their side. Semantics itself was being held as PoW. The coping levels were off the charts, fallacies more common than arguments. Bystanders were scared and disgusted all the same. There was no ending in sight to this onslaught.

However, with each passing month, each fleeting week, a new chapter or episode aired. And each instance brought more evidence and ammunition for either side. And slowly but surely, the scale started tipping towards one side, the Toeibros side.

Collages from Toyofags started to become more erratic, more unsubstantial, repetitive. Their arguments started scratching the proverbial walls of COPE. The tension and stress in their ranks was beginning to get palpable.


Toeifags were relentless. They felt Toyotortillas were weakening, and doubled down their efforts, backed up with newly found interviews and adaptations in the manga that obviously stemmed from the anime.

Mental degradation


When Toyosalchichas found themselves between the wall and the sword, they slowly but surely started to lose their sanity. They started to pretend "Sequel" means "Manga". Their collages became a wall of graphical lunacy, their fallacies became dominant in their speech.

Their coping became more intricate, more abundant. Going to extreme lengths in order to justify the unjustifiable[11]. Of course, the more artificial your arguments are, the more easily they can be dismantled. And so they started a vicious cycle of crying and coping, but not without coping and crying first.

Denial of reality

When the manga began to adapt Anime-original elements such as Kefla[12], UI Omen[13], SSBE, SSBKK, UI as a power up, muscular UI, anime scenes, anime-only locations such as Mount Paozu[14], among others, Toyoschizos were at their limit: Once arguments became unsustainable, intellectual honesty became nonexistent, and even coping itself became unreliable; they flat out started denying reality. In this way, they had hoped that evidence would be utterly useless against them. The ULTIMATE cope, Invincible ignorance fallacy.

One of these vermin also likes to pretend that the manga made more profits than the animated series. Nothing to add to that retarded babble.

The following is a list of their most famous denials of reality, employing the invincible ignorance fallacy to its utmost limits:


Their most famous cope is the denial of SSBKK and SSBE existing in the TRACEnga. This coping is so extensive and utterly pathetic that even lurkers and bystanders took notice of their duplicity and started losing respect for Toyohackos. Nothing could shake them from their utter delusions: Not magazine scans (for the manga) explicitly talking about "Blue Kaioken", nor colored images clearly showing Vegeta's darker blue hair. So disingenuous were Toyosharts, that they even tried pretending to be colorblind to deny this, until the hex values of the colors were pointed out (at which point they of course FLED.) So disingenuous were Toyosharts, that they actually tried to pretend like there is a distinction between "Kaioken Blue" and "Blue Kaioken", or that there is a distinction between "Evolved Blue" and "Blue Evolved" (yes, really).

However, when the Dragon Ball Official site claimed that SSBKK works exactly as it does in the CANONime, they shattered. Their cerebral cortex MELTED. They had spammed for YEARS that SSBKK and SSBE looked like utter shit, made no sense, and was Toei filler. As a consequence, they are psychologically and physiologically unable to accept the moment the manga adapted them.

Famous quotes:

  • "SSBKK has nothing to do with KK!"
  • "It's the same principle! N-Not actually SSBKK!"
  • "It is called BKK, not SSBKK!"
  • "It is called ESSB, not SSBE!"

UI is not a power up

The FUNERAL of Toyoschizos. They will NEVER address this image - ever. Seriously, try it. They will ALWAYS run away. Every time.

This mongrelous assortment of sub-humans loves to cling to the retconned manga idea that UI does not incur any strength or power increase to the user, stating that it is just a speed and skill increase on the user's base form. This idea, of course, was an attempt by Toyohacko to insert his headcanon into the manga, and trying to differ from the Canonime. However, he was told down by the higher-ups to scratch that retarded headcanon, and re-do UI to fit the anime's narrative. And so he did, like the good obedient hound he is. However, his petty fanatic group could not fathom yet another factor of the manga being Toei exclusive, as per usual.

This denotes their utter ignorance about the series' lore. Given that a low powerlevel would never be able to hurt an opponent with a much higher powerlevel, as stated in the canon OG manga and reinforced even in their own Toyofanfiction when Gohan fails to damage Moro, it would be impossible for an UI user to hurt a significantly stronger foe no matter how "skillful" he is. Toyopacos, obviously, ignore this, as they all started their DB experience in the DBS manga.[15]

This is truncated even further by the new instances of UI and Omen in the Moro arc, where they are depicted to be a power up through and through. Not only shaking and ragdolling Moro all over the place as Omen, when CSSB couldn't even phase him, but also flat out reverberating the whole atmosphere with a single punch as UI. Toyoshits, with their usual inane copes, unironically claim that Moro is weaker than Nappa[16], since he also could shake the earth with his power. But the sheer barrage of newly gained, irrefutable proof that UI is a power-up was endless: Beyond the display of raw physical strength feats such as wrestling with Moro while in Omen and Moro literally breaking his hands trying to punch Goku's hard-as-diamond chest, the characters started straight up talking about the overwhelming god ki that UI unleashes. As if that wasn't enough already, UI started being equivocated with "Angel power" by the very beings who knows most about it. As Moro copied Merus' UI, his body straight up started overloading from the overwhelming power that coursed through it, as Moro begged for a body that "can endure this power".

It was over. Toyofuckos were DONE. Not only were the feats of power impossible to explain without admitting UI is a power-up, now the characters themselves had acknowledged it as a power-up. So overwhelming and irrefutable was this proof, that even the Toyopacos usual denialist copes were not enough to soothe their own cognitive dissonance this time. They had to, and this is not an exaggeration, literally pretend none of this ever happened. They will never ever address these events as real, even if one points out that they are deflecting and not addressing it. In fact, they have explicitly stated as such.[17] This was it, their last stand. The intentional denial of reality.

Defending the indefensible

When it comes to defending their tracing hack idol, these dogs are relentless. Apologetic to the very core, they REFUSE to accept any sort of criticism directed against their T R A C E G O D.

They will simply refuse his tracing idol is capable of tracing. Not to mention admitting he actually traces the grand majority of the panels. They cope so by claiming that as long as two images aren't pixel-perfect identical or have perfectly matching "c-c-congruent lines", then it is not considered tracing or copying at all. As if that semantics babble would have any weight against the fact that this little fucking hack CANNOT concoct an original thought in his traced brain even if his life depended on it.

Imagine DEFENDING this shameless hack like your life depended on it.
not t-t-the congruent lines AIIEEE

As we know, Hackopaco is content to living as Chadiyama's shadow, as seen on this instance where he literally mimics everything Toriyama does even in real life[18]. This lack of ambition is ultimately what will lead this hack's work to be forgettable garbage. As all of his work is simply a rehash of past events with different characters. Of course, this is an UNFATHOMABLE concept to the fanatic Toyobitches, who think Hackopacko is a prodigy.

The other instance of extreme apologism they sport, is when they pretend there's nothing wrong with the fucked up anatomy and proportions that come out of this hack's pencil.

It is known that when he's not tracing, he is fucking up anatomy and perspective. Especially necks. OH GOD, the fucking necks. Even when a talented Toeichad fixes the necks in a side by side comparison, with objective anatomical improvements, the Toyomongrels still pretend the broken anatomy looks better. It is thought that they do it both out of utter denial, and from being accustomed to seeing wretched anatomy for so long, that upon seeing actual good art style, it looks alien to them.


It is well known that Toyoquesadillas are brown. This is evidenced by the fact that they refuse, utterly REFUSE to show their flags on boards like /int/ and /bant/. Toeiintellectuals and Jirenscholars, even some other characterfags, do not have such a phobia and are in fact predominantly from majority-white first world countries. The only reasonable conclusion is that ToyoTACOS are brown, and they know their reputation would be fucking OVER (permanently) should they ever be exposed as such. You can even bully them with things like "post flag", which of course they will never do.

Their brown nature has also been caught many times through other means, such as when they accidentally revealed their knowledge of Mexican cuisine or that time they used Spanish gibberish letters like the N with a tilde.

War with STARTchad

Among the many bullying tactics that Toyosociopaths so rightly deserve to receive, one of the most successful has been STARTchad's tracespam. This utter schizo would routinely flood DBS threads with images of Toyofucko's tracing and broken anatomy, non-stop, after the introduction phrase "Should I start?" accompanied with an image of Frost having broken anatomy. As he simply spammed images, there was no bargaining or reasoning (as if Toyofarts are capable of that) with him, and Toyocucks realized their usual coping babble would fall on deaf ears. They could do nothing but watch as trace after trace, HACK anatomy after HACK anatomy was being posted, for everyone in the thread to see, while they were unable to damage control. And because the images were technically on-topic, jannies did nothing to intervene. This drove Toyocucks to the point of insanity. While initially they tried to counter-spam with the few images of the CHADnime having bad animation that they had, they soon realized they had neither the determination (since they are weak-minded little roaches), nor the volume of material to keep it up. They started crying on /qa/, BEGGING jannies to intervene and mass-quoting every single post, but Toeichads only laughed at them even harder. Not only that, it was their whining and bitching that ultimately got deleted and them fucking BANNED.[19] This drove Toyolosers to the brink of despair. They started having paranoid delusions about the spammer being a janny, because they are so fucking retarded they cannot imagine any other reason why this would happen. Ultimately they were unsuccessful (as always) in getting STARTchad to stop.

Complete and utter WARPING into pure evil

When the OPUS dump happened, the remaining (likely just 2) Toyothralls got so MINDBROKEN by the popularity of the dump and the rousing applause it got, that they became completely unhinged malicious spammers. Initially they tried to ape the dumpKING's success by doing their own SHITper dump. However, they got COMPLETELY fucking ignored by everyone, culminating in them trying to hype up an "ENTER" to zero (0) reactions.[20] This got them mocked by the entirety of the halls, and caused their minds to get WARPED. They started repeatedly spamming the TRACEnga within dumpKING's storytime threads, an action that triggered even the Janny into BANISHING them repeatedly.[21][22] After the climax of the Frieza arc BTFO'd all posting speed records and achieved a 2700+ replies thread, the minds of the Toyorats was TWISTED even further. They started outright spamming MLP porn periodically, while trying to mask their identity. However, astute scholars immediately ascertained their true nature.[23]

War with the Nulybro

In the early days of May, 2023, one specific Toyopaco began to post lots of headcanon regarding the two Dragon Ball Super movies [24]. However, a certain NulyCHAD (aka "C A L M lybro") fresh from his victory over Dennis, stepped up to put the Toyopaco in place [25]. The Hackocucko used every disingenuous tactic imaginable including circular logic [26], ad-hominem [27], deflection [28], moving the goalposts [29], begging the question [30] and the toyopaco personal favorite, the invincible ignorance fallacy [31]. Taking this into account, the NulyCHAD would decimate the toyopaco every time causing it to run away while also falsely claiming that it won [32]. Despite the toyopaco crying that it would no longer respond to its intellectually superior Nulybro adversary, it would still come back like a battered dog ready for more humiliation from the NulyGOD.

The toyopaco became more unhinged when the Nulybro used its own cope and arguments against him. When the Nulybro displayed irrefutable proof that the movies are canon to the anime continuity and not the SHITnga continuity [33], the toyopaco was forced to try and argue with one specific manga page [34]. However, the Nulyscholar swiftly dismantled this cope and graciously spoonfed the toyopaco on the correct interpretation of said manga page [35]. While temporarily defeated, the toyopaco did not give up and returned the next day with a new manga panel for him to cope with. Unbeknownst to him however, this manga panel actually *supported* the Nulyscholars arguments and the hackofucko ended up shooting himself in the foot [36]. These skirmishes lasted for almost 4 days and ended with one final collage [37] created by the NulyEDITOR proving the movies were canon to the anime only and hackofucko's SHITnga toilet paper is just fanfiction. After 4 days of humiliation from the Nulybro and a certain gagposter [38], the toyopaco fled in defeat.

Rageful and embittered at his defeat to the NulyCHAD, the toyopaco tried a new tactic; hiding behind Gohan. The toyopaco aimed to sow division between the movie chads by fallaciously claiming that Cell Max was complete (and therefore stronger than GODly) despite CHADkira CHADiyama and Hedo himself saying he wasn't. The Nulybro and his fellow brothers all educated the HBOCing toyopaco on the definition of the word "but", the difference between physical completion and true completion and the importance of possessing one's mental faculties (something toyopacos know little about) to properly use one's able body. And yet, the toyopaco ignorantly fixated on the word "complete" as it childishly claimed victory. Upon recognising the toyopaco is not willing to argue in good faith, the NulyGOD expertly dissected the flaws in the toyopaco's logic with one single witty joke [39]. The toyopaco, humiliated once more, ran away but not before a failed false flag attempt.

This peace was short-lived though, as the toyopaco now tried a new tactic to enact revenge upon the Nulybro; SURPASSEDrus cuck posting. This included lengthy and often nonsensical cuckold fantasies involving Beerus, Cheelai and lots of IESLB. It must be noted that there were cuckold fantasies targeting the other Z-fighters but most were targeted towards NuGODly. Astute scholars surmised this may have been an obfuscation tactic to conceal his true target (Nuly). These cuck fantasies were very easy to identify. They would often begin with the word "interior", be accompanied with a cropped image of badly drawn art and would almost always reference some sort of prostate stimulation [40] leading some scholars to believe the cuck-spamming toyopaco is a homosexual. Nevertheless, this futile spam was once again thwarted when the NulyEDITOR created a 4 panel comic highlighting the severe lack of cognitive prowess afflicting the toyopaco [41]. This greatly affected the toyoloco as it began to mass-reply in retaliation [42]. Despite having it's meltdown deleted by the jannies [43], the toyopaco attempted to continue with this ploy. But the scholars in the sacred halls reminded him of his hispanic ethnicity [44]. This enraged the toyotaco so much that he started posting porn of Beerus and Bra as a baby which prompted a swift response from the honorable scholars [45]. It must be noted that this all transpired while the toyotaco's intended target, the NulyGOD, was asleep [46] and therefore all his effort, all his evasions and all the (rightfully earned) racial abuse he endured, were all for nought.

Hall of Humiliation

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