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"July 2019."

—Geekdom101 proclaiming his credo

You're one ugly motherfucker.

Reekdom, is an infamous figure in the CHADgon CHAD CHADper community. He is most well-known for frequenting his nearest Whataburger joint, and asserting the unconfirmed but not disproven hypothesis that the official canon anime made by CHADoei CHADnimation would return in July 2019. He claimed to be "200% sure" this was going to happen, according to "dozens of Japanese sources working at Toei". When he inevitably got BTFO because the anime did NOT return he, instead of gracefully kneeling, decided to double down on his lies and proclaim he still wasn't wrong.

Geekdom101 at his favorite fast-food joint.

One of the pathetic excuses he came up with was that Toei Animators "suddenly" all got drafted to finish the latest Wan Piss moeshit movie, completely ignoring the reality of how animation studios operate and how much planning goes into these processes. Naturally, there was still no DBS continuation after the Wan Piss movie came out. The anime still hasn't return yet almost 4 (FOUR) years later, but Reekdom still proclaims he wasn't wrong and didn't lie.

Reekdom101. As soon as you hear this cunts voice, you can instantly picture him. A gelatinous, mongrel spic, almost a bastardised joke on the human form made physical. He literally looks like propaganda against racemixing from the 1800s. This dumb, ugly fucking beaner is constantly incorrect about predictions, pirating the anime and manga (then whining when he gets caught) or else jerking himself off over twitter. He genuinely thinks he’s a big shot, you are literally some fat fucking spic who talks about anime to a fanbase of 10 year olds. You are fucking nothing. Fat fucking monkey retard