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From Chads of /a/
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The holy texts that reside here will be maintained under the watchful eye of the Scholars of these hallowed halls, within whom germinates inimitable lexicon the like of which has never been seen before upon the mortal plane. Such is it written: the swirling miasma of turgid thought and scintillating discussion did coalesce into a vivid lingua franca only comprehended by the Scholars on high.

The enlightened world of these illustrious beings shall be archived herein, recording the winsome legends of the Scholars of /dbs/ as they stalk amongst the planes of Tartarus, seeking blood from the malevolent, the weak, and the devilish sorcerers that would bastardize these radiant basilicas of preponderant knowledge and effervescent truth.


Our fucking HEROES!

LEGENDS of the Sacred Halls

A hall dedicated to the characters that have the biggest presence or at least have made an impact on the sacred halls.

CREATIONS from the Sacred Halls

From the sacred halls, we have managed to create marvelous concepts that only the low-class outsiders would fail to understand.

ENEMIES of the Sacred Halls

The lowest SCUM of the sacred halls. These are the chads of /a/'s worst enemies and should be ignored and treated like nothing like the shitty nobodies they are.